PaperJet fastest cushioning system on the market

PaperJet™: the fastest
cushioning system on the market

  • Extremely high conveying speed
  • Reduced set up times
  • Adjustment options for speed
    and cushion length
  • Eco-friendly ComPackt™ paper pallet
PaperJet fastest cushioning system on the market

PaperJet™: the fastest cushioning system on the market

Suitable solutions for all packaging requirements

PaperJet speed up and customizable your cushion supply

Faster logistics operations

Speed up and customizable your
cushion supply

Suitable solutions for all packaging requirements

PaperJet continious production of cushions for easy acces

Efficient workflow

Continious production of
cushions for easy access

PaperJet speed up and customizable your cushion supply

Faster logistics operations

Speed up and customizable your
cushion supply

PaperJet continious production of cushions for easy acces

Efficient workflow

Continious production of cushions for easy access

PaperJet fastest cushioning system on the market
PaperJet fastest cushioning system on the market
PaperJet fastest cushioning system on the market
PaperJet fastest cushioning system on the market

More from the paperjet™ System Line


Non-Binding test setup

Wondering if the system is right for your needs and your product?
We analyze, optimize, and transform your packaging process. Try our systems without a commitment and convince yourself.
Simply fill out the form and we will get in touch with you.